Lapack manual

of the LAPACK routines are based on older EISPACK and LINPACK routines, and the more modern LAPACK does much of its computation by using Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS). Stata contains two sets of LAPACK and BLAS libraries; one is from Netlib, and the other is from the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL). set lapack mkl sets which LAPACK library will be used. Refer to thefollowing manual for usage descriptions of the individual routines provided by this software: • LAPACK Users' Guide, Third Edition (SIAM, ) The book describes in detail the usage of LAPACK, including calling specifications, purposes, parameter descriptions, performances, and accuracy of driver routines andcomputational routines. the m n array a, which has a leading dimension of lda. From the LAPACK documentation, the work space array work must have a length of at least n; the length of work is given in lwork. The variable declarations should be as follows: lapack int m, n, k, lda, lwork, info; lapack complex oat *a, *tau, *work; The LAPACKE function call is then.

Refer to thefollowing manual for usage descriptions of the individual routines provided by this software: • LAPACK Users' Guide, Third Edition (SIAM, ) The book describes in detail the usage of LAPACK, including calling specifications, purposes, parameter descriptions, performances, and accuracy of driver routines andcomputational routines. LAPACK UNIX Quick Installation Guide (postscript file) LAPACK Installation Guide (postscript file) LAPACK Manual Pages for Driver and Comp Routines (gzip tar file) LAPACK Revision Information. List of known problems, bugs and compiler errors. LAPACK Working Notes in Postscript format. LAPACK Working Notes in PDF format. LAPACK is written in Fortran 90 and provides routines for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems.

You are here. Home ›; Support and Services ›; User Guide name: lapack; version: ; description: Linear Algebra PACKage. 2) Symmetric matrix inversion. MOLSCAT calls SYMINV. Two versions of SYMINV are recommended. The first, distributed with MOLSCAT, calls the LAPACK routines. --disable-scalapack will disable the use of ScaLapack (parallel Lapack) which is not recommended. --disable-smith will disable the code generated by SMITH.


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