BUDDIPOLE, INC. SE 59th Ct. # Hillsboro, OR Operating hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm PST. Email: info@www.doorway.ru Phone: () Fax: () I've used my Buddipole for several years as a portable HF antenna on Field Day and in the California QSO Party with great success. The system is easy to understand and set up. In the CQP is used my BP on 15m, 40m, and 80m. On 15m and 40m I used the ' whips for greater band width and less coil load as explained in the manual. It worked fine. · Buddipole Deluxe Antenna Review. This is the testing and review of the Buddipole Deluxe antenna available at www.doorway.ru The Buddipole™ Deluxe Package includes everything you need for setting up an efficient portable antenna solution anywhere in the world in just a few minutes. The package includes the following custom components which all Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins.
BUDDIPOLE info@www.doorway.ru www.doorway.ru THE BUDDIPOLE TM OPERATING MANUAL Coils 40 METERS 30 METERS 20 METERS 17 METERS 15 METERS 12 METERS 10 METERS 6 METERS 2 METERS BASIC DIPOLE TUNING Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bands Tap No 23 Green 10 Green 10 Red 4 2 2 RED SIDE COIL BLACK SIDE COIL Whips only (no coils, no arms) – Sections. The Buddipole™ Deluxe Package includes everything you need for setting up an efficient portable antenna solution anywhere in the world in just a few minutes. The package includes the following custom components which all fit into the padded cordura nylon custom-carrying bag: The Buddipole Antenna (9 bands, 2 - 40 meters) with Versatee Choke balun and 25' coaxial cable. BUDDIPOLE, INC. SE 59th Ct. # Hillsboro, OR Operating hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm PST. Email: info@www.doorway.ru Phone: () Fax: ()
Designed as a multi-band, portable antenna for 40m - 10m, the Buddistick™ is an mounting kit, a complete counterpoise system, as well as User Manual. Documentation. The most current manuals (PDF Format) for the Buddipole, Buddistick PRO, and BuddiHEX line of antenna products. For previous versions please. ANTENNA MANUAL www.doorway.ru RED SIDE red marked coil whip. BLACK SIDE coil whip. BLACK. BLUE black mini banana plug. RED GREEN red mini.