· · CHRISTIAN LIFE PROGRAM MANUAL. elements that truly reflect the Couples for Christ community. contains the complete CLP Training, Team Leaders. Christian Life Program - CFCpedia. The Christian Life Program (CLP) is an integrated course of Couples for Christ intended to lead the program participants into a renewed understanding of God's call. COUPLES FOR CHRIST CHRISTIAN LIFE PROGRAM TEAM MANUAL __ The Christian Life Program (CLP) is the initiations course leading to membership in Couples for Christ (CFC). This team manual is intended for the use of CLP discussion group leaders (facilitators)/5(6). Pumunta sa kabanata E sa ibaba. The CLP is an integrated course intended to lead the program participants into a renewed understanding of God’s call. It runs for a total of 12 separate sessions. Most sessions consist of three basic ingredients: a teaching, a group discussion, and a time for fellowship.
1. CFC Council letter to the team leader. 2. General. Team leader's profile Team leader's role. Spiritual approach to leadership. Pastoral approach to leadership. Importance of communication. Important ingredients in a CLP. Oversight of the team leaders's work. 3. Prior to CLP sessions. Candidates/participants. Setting up discussion groups. CHRISTIAN LIFE PROGRAM MANUAL. elements that truly reflect the Couples for Christ community. contains the complete CLP Training, Team Leaders. Christian Life Program - CFCpedia. The Christian Life Program (CLP) is an integrated course of Couples for Christ intended to lead the program participants into a renewed understanding of God's call to them as Christian couples. Complete Outline. 16 March PDF. Disclaimer: All materials presented on this page are exclusively owned by CFC Global, and are being offered and shared for informational purposes only intended for the spiritual growth of CFC members and exhortation of potential members. Downloading of these documents are permissible for the sole intent of.
SFC Collection > CLP Talk 00 Team Manual View, Team Manual, 26 Mar , , Community Library. ċ. Training Talk 1. Welcome to Couples for Christ, Laguna Central 1 Sector. This Yahoo! www.doorway.ru M A N U A L S. CLP. After the CLP, those who finish are invited to join Couples for Christ. When they do, they are made part of a small cell group called a Household. The household.