Eagle 105 laminator manual

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GBC Eagle Laminator 40" wide GBC Eagle Laminator 40" www.doorway.russional SPECS: Film capacity professional Width: 41†(cm) Gauge: 3, 5, 10mil Core dia: †poly-out Speed –fpm – 5fpm Dimensions –21†L x 51†W x 17†H Weight – lbs lbs boxed on pallet. gbc eagle laminating main pcb part # or -refurbish GBC EAGLE MAIN PCB FOR V. REFURBISH, AND TESTED 48 www.doorway.ru YOUR BOARD THE OUT:AC V, 01A OR V, www.doorway.ru MY LIST THE PICTURES DOES SHOW THE DIFFERENT OUTPUT BEFORE YOU PURCHASE, THIS BOARD HAS OUT: V. A THANKS. Comes standard the Eagle and is Optional for the Eagle 65 models. Is the start position of the take up asserbly switch. Is the stop Of the take up assembly switch. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Turn the laminator On (I) at the man power switch located at the Of machine (Figure 2. CAUTION: Make sure the safety shield and feed.

GBC Eagle Operating Instructions Manual (12 pages). Eagle Binding Machine User Manual. Brand: GBC | Category: Laminator | Size: MB. ULTIMA OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. © Copyright General Binding Corporation, Northbrook, IL U.S.A. Page 2. 2. Page 3. 3. Page 4. 4. Page 5. Page 6. Service / GBC Laminator Repair Orders: If you need to set up a service call, please click the "Get a GBC EAGLE 35 65 Parts List - OnlineSkyline PDF.


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