Figures and show two plastic sextants with a discussion of their parts. The Mark 15 is a micrometer drum sextant; the Mark 3 is called a vernier sextant as it has no micrometer drum. Micrometer drum sextants have a series of notches cut precisely 1° apart into the outside Sextant Parts in Fig and A Frame B Index arm C Index mirror. Ebbco began making inexpensive plastic sextants for emergency or educational use in the s. In this example, the arc is graduated every degree from ° to ° and read by micrometer with vernier to 12 seconds. The inscription reads "Ebbco" and "EAST BERKS BOAT CO., ENGLAND." Ref: J. P. G. Weatherlake, The Ebbco Sextant. Created Date: 4/24/ PM.
Ebbco drums sextant. Plastic drum sextant by Ebbco with round filters. Obtained from the UK. This is another Ebbco sextant, this one has round filters rather than square. Apart from that it is similar to the others. What makes this special is that it has not been used in navigation or as a backup but rather as a surveying instrument. Your sextant now reads 30~ 04’ (Fig. I). As you continue moving the index arm, successive divisions of the vernier will come into alignment with a division of the arc. When the last mark on the vernier (60’) is in alignment with a division of the arc, the sextant will read 3l~. In Figure 2 below, the sextant reads 26’. Figures and show two plastic sextants with a discussion of their parts. The Mark 15 is a micrometer drum sextant; the Mark 3 is called a vernier sextant as it has no micrometer drum. Micrometer drum sextants have a series of notches cut precisely 1° apart into the outside Sextant Parts in Fig and A Frame B Index arm C Index mirror.
9 may I had intended to include the Ebbco sextant (pictured above) in this discussion as well, but while it is of similar construction to the Mark 3. Great condition, comes in box with manual. Great to have as a backup on a boat or for practicing celestial navigation. It's not a replica ornament but fully. 3 mar Well, I going for my YM Ocean with sights from a £25 EBBCO off Ebay. and was not mentioned in the guide that came with the sextant.